Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
An important ministry of our parish is to visit and distribute Holy Communion to those individuals who are no longer able to attend Sunday Mass because they are homebound or living in nursing and personal care homes. Our parish is blessed to have extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who make monthly visits to the homebound members of our parish in order for them to receive the Eucharist.
Our parish office coordinates the scheduling of these visits under the direction of our pastor to many private homes and the local personal care and nursing home facilities.
If you know of someone who would like to receive Holy Communion or be visited by one of our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, please contact our parish office.
Regional Chaplain for Northern Armstrong County
Father Alan Grote is the full-time chaplain to the Armstrong County Memorial Hospital and Health Center. His responsibility is to make regular pastoral visits to Catholics in the hospital throughout the week, distribute Holy Communion, and administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick to those in need of these sacraments.
It is very important for all Catholics, at the time of being admitted to the hospital, to indicate that they are Catholic by faith and give the name of their parish. This will help to assure you will be visited by our Catholic chaplain. Otherwise, because of patient privacy laws, Father Grote may not be made aware of your admission to the hospital.
If your family member has been hospitalized and has not been visited by our chaplain, please call him at 724-763-1207 or 724-763-1089, or call our parish office to arrange for a priest to make a pastoral visit.