Sacramental Preparation
The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Both of these sacraments are celebrated during a child’s second grade year after the successful completion of the required sacramental preparation program, which also includes parent involvement.
In our parish, the celebration of First Reconciliation is celebrated in November and First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) is celebrated during the Easter season in April.
Faith formation for receiving these sacraments is part of the curriculum of our parish faith formation program and The Divine Redeemer Catholic School, Ford City. Two years of regular attendance of faith formation in our parish faith formation program or The Divine Redeemer Catholic School are required in order to be properly prepared and eligible to receive these sacraments.
Sacramental workshops for parents
Parents play an important role in the formation process of their children. For this reason parents are required to attend two sacramental preparation workshops. All parents, regardless if their child receives religious education in our parish program or at The Divine Redeemer Catholic School, are required to attend both workshops.
The first of these workshops, typically held in October, focuses on the role and responsibility of parents in preparing their child to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
The second workshop, typically held during the season of Lent, focuses on the role and responsibility of parents in preparing their child to receive first Eucharist.
The sacrament of Confirmation
A child’s process of becoming a full member of our Catholic Church, which began at baptism and continued through the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation and Eucharist, will be completed by receiving the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation. Children must continue in our faith formation program or attend The Divine Redeemer Catholic School in order to be prepared to receive the sacrament of confirmation.
Growing in faith
It is important that Catholic parents continue to educate their children in the faith by example, prayer, family catechesis, and participate regularly in the sacramental life of our parish family throughout their child’s formative years. All families are expected to attend Mass and participate in the liturgy each Sunday or Saturday evening, as well as holy days of obligation. This will assure that the gift of Catholic faith celebrated in a child’s reception of the sacraments of reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation will continue to grow.