St. Mary Parish Hall
St. Mary Parish Hall is owned by St. Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, a Pennsylvania Charitable Trust and a Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg. The mission of the parish is to spread and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As such, all parish facilities are available for functions that advance the work of the parish and the formation of our clergy, religious, staff and laity in matters of faith, good works and Catholic Christian living. These include parish liturgies, retreats, conferences, seminars, faith formation, and educational programs; as well as fundraisers and social events, which are integral to the life of the Parish and Church.
As a parish, the use of any of the parish facilities is extended for these same purposes to any and all parishes, schools, organizations, and religious orders of the Diocese, and other Catholic Dioceses, as well as any approved Catholic Organizations within the parish and the Diocese.
Use is further extended to registered parish members for social gatherings directly associated with the receipt of Church Sacraments, and Funeral Liturgies. These include the celebration of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony and Holy Orders. Also included are meals following Catholic Funeral Rites, and anniversary celebrations that follow a liturgy in a Parish Church.
For a rental information related to events mentioned above, please call St. Mary Parish Office at 724-548-7649.
Our Parish churches and facilities are sacred religious places. At all times, we are to respect the principles of our Roman Catholic Faith in the manner in which we use any of our facilities.
Therefore, all parish facilities are distinctly private and intended to be used for only those events which uphold and are in keeping with the teachings of the Catholic faith and are thus NOT intended to be offered as a public accommodation.
Get directions to St. Mary Parish Hall, 361 North Jefferson Street, Kittanning, PA 16201.